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Lista de objetos en SAP Business One
Table | Table description | Primary Key | Object Type |
OACT | G/L Accounts | AcctCode | 1 |
OCRD | Business Partner | CardCode | 2 |
ODSC | Bank Codes | AbsEntry | 3 |
OITM | Items | ItemCode | 4 |
OVTG | Tax Definition | Code | 5 |
OPLN | Price Lists | ListNum | 6 |
OSPP | Special Prices | CardCode, ItemCode | 7 |
OITG | Item Properties | ItmsTypCod | 8 |
ORTM | Rate Differences | LineNum, IsSysCurr | 9 |
OCRG | Card Groups | GroupCode | 10 |
OCPR | Contact Persons | CntctCode | 11 |
OUSR | Users | USERID | 12 |
OINV | A/R Invoice | DocEntry | 13 |
ORIN | A/R Credit Memo | DocEntry | 14 |
ODLN | Delivery | DocEntry | 15 |
ORDN | Returns | DocEntry | 16 |
ORDR | Sales Order | DocEntry | 17 |
OPCH | A/P Invoice | DocEntry | 18 |
ORPC | A/P Credit Memo | DocEntry | 19 |
OPDN | Goods Receipt PO | DocEntry | 20 |
ORPD | Goods Return | DocEntry | 21 |
OPOR | Purchase Order | DocEntry | 22 |
OQUT | Sales Quotation | DocEntry | 23 |
ORCT | Incoming Payment | DocEntry | 24 |
ODPS | Deposit | DeposId | 25 |
OMTH | Reconciliation History | MthAcctCod, IsInternal, MatchNum | 26 |
OCHH | Check Register | CheckKey | 27 |
OBTF | Journal Voucher Entry | BatchNum, TransId | 28 |
OBTD | Journal Vouchers List | BatchNum | 29 |
OJDT | Journal Entry | TransId | 30 |
OITW | Items – Warehouse | ItemCode, WhsCode | 31 |
OADP | Print Preferences | PrintId | 32 |
OCLG | Activities | ClgCode | 33 |
ORCR | Recurring Postings | RcurCode, Instance | 34 |
ONNM | Document Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 35 |
OCRC | Credit Cards | CreditCard | 36 |
OCRN | Currency Codes | CurrCode | 37 |
OIDX | CPI Codes | IdexCode | 38 |
OADM | Administration | Code | 39 |
OCTG | Payment Terms | GroupNum | 40 |
OPRF | Preferences | FormNumber, UserSign | 41 |
OBNK | External Bank Statement Received | AcctCode, Sequence | 42 |
OMRC | Manufacturers | FirmCode | 43 |
OCQG | Card Properties | GroupCode | 44 |
OTRC | Journal Entry Codes | TrnsCode | 45 |
OVPM | Outgoing Payments | DocEntry | 46 |
OSRL | Serial Numbers | ItemCode, SerialNum | 47 |
OALC | Loading Expenses | AlcCode | 48 |
OSHP | Delivery Types | TrnspCode | 49 |
OLGT | Length Units | UnitCode | 50 |
OWGT | Weight Units | UnitCode | 51 |
OITB | Item Groups | ItmsGrpCod | 52 |
OSLP | Sales Employee | SlpCode | 53 |
OFLT | Report – Selection Criteria | FormNum, UserSign, FilterName | 54 |
OTRT | Posting Templates | TrtCode | 55 |
OARG | Customs Groups | CstGrpCode | 56 |
OCHO | Checks for Payment | CheckKey | 57 |
OINM | Whse Journal | TransNum, Instance | 58 |
OIGN | Goods Receipt | DocEntry | 59 |
OIGE | Goods Issue | DocEntry | 60 |
OPRC | Cost Center | PrcCode | 61 |
OOCR | Cost Rate | OcrCode | 62 |
OPRJ | Project Codes | PrjCode | 63 |
OWHS | Warehouses | WhsCode | 64 |
OCOG | Commission Groups | GroupCode | 65 |
OITT | Product Tree | Code | 66 |
OWTR | Inventory Transfer | DocEntry | 67 |
OWKO | Production Instructions | OrderNum | 68 |
OIPF | Landed Costs | DocEntry | 69 |
OCRP | Payment Methods | CrTypeCode | 70 |
OCDT | Credit Card Payment | Code | 71 |
OCRH | Credit Card Management | AbsId, Instance | 72 |
OSCN | Customer/Vendor Cat. No. | ItemCode, CardCode, Substitute | 73 |
OCRV | Credit Payments | AbsId, PayId, Instance | 74 |
ORTT | CPI and FC Rates | RateDate, Currency | 75 |
ODPT | Postdated Deposit | DeposId | 76 |
OBGT | Budget | AbsId | 77 |
OBGD | Budget Cost Assess. Mthd | BgdCode | 78 |
ORCN | Retail Chains | ChainCode | 79 |
OALT | Alerts Template | Code | 80 |
OALR | Alerts | Code | 81 |
OAIB | Received Alerts | AlertCode, UserSign | 82 |
OAOB | Message Sent | AlertCode, UserSign | 83 |
OCLS | Activity Subjects | Code | 84 |
OSPG | Special Prices for Groups | CardCode, ObjType, ObjKey | 85 |
SPRG | Application Start | LineNum, UserCode | 86 |
OMLS | Distribution List | Code | 87 |
OENT | Shipping Types | DocEntry | 88 |
OSAL | Outgoing | DocEntry | 89 |
OTRA | Transition | DocEntry | 90 |
OBGS | Budget Scenario | AbsId | 91 |
OIRT | Interest Prices | Numerator | 92 |
OUDG | User Defaults | Code | 93 |
OSRI | Serial Numbers for Items | ItemCode, SysSerial | 94 |
OFRT | Financial Report Templates | AbsId | 95 |
OFRC | Financial Report Categories | TemplateId, CatId | 96 |
OOPR | Opportunity | OpprId | 97 |
OOIN | Interest | Num | 98 |
OOIR | Interest Level | Num | 99 |
OOSR | Information Source | Num | 100 |
OOST | Opportunity Stage | Num | 101 |
OOFR | Defect Cause | Num | 102 |
OCLT | Activity Types | Code | 103 |
OCLO | Meetings Location | Code | 104 |
OISR | Service Calls | RequestNum | 105 |
OIBT | Batch No. for Item | ItemCode, BatchNum, WhsCode | 106 |
OALI | Alternative Items 2 | OrigItem, AltItem | 107 |
OPRT | Partners | PrtId | 108 |
OCMT | Competitors | CompetId | 109 |
OUVV | User Validations | IndexID, LineNum | 110 |
OFPR | Posting Period | AbsEntry | 111 |
ODRF | Drafts | DocEntry | 112 |
OSRD | Batches and Serial Numbers | ItemCode, DocType, DocEntry, DocLineNum | 113 |
OUDC | User Display Cat. | CodeID | 114 |
OPVL | Lender – Pelecard | Code | 115 |
ODDT | Withholding Tax Deduction Hierarchy | Numerator | 116 |
ODDG | Withholding Tax Deduction Groups | Numerator | 117 |
OUBR | Branches | Code | 118 |
OUDP | Departments | Code | 119 |
OWST | Confirmation Level | WstCode | 120 |
OWTM | Approval Templates | WtmCode | 121 |
OWDD | Docs. for Confirmation | WddCode | 122 |
OCHD | Checks for Payment Drafts | CheckKey | 123 |
CINF | Company Info | Version | 124 |
OEXD | Freight Setup | ExpnsCode | 125 |
OSTA | Sales Tax Authorities | Code, Type | 126 |
OSTT | Sales Tax Authorities Type | AbsId | 127 |
OSTC | Sales Tax Codes | Code | 128 |
OCRY | Countries | Code | 129 |
OCST | States | Country, Code | 130 |
OADF | Address Formats | Code | 131 |
OCIN | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 132 |
OCDC | Cash Discount | Code | 133 |
OQCN | Query Catagories | CategoryId | 134 |
OIND | Triangular Deal | Code | 135 |
ODMW | Data Migration | Code | 136 |
OCSTN | Workstation ID | Code | 137 |
OIDC | Indicator | Code | 138 |
OGSP | Goods Shipment | Code | 139 |
OPDF | Payment Draft | DocEntry | 140 |
OQWZ | Query Wizard | Code | 141 |
OASG | Account Segmentation | AbsId | 142 |
OASC | Account Segmentation Categories | SegmentId, Code | 143 |
OLCT | Location | Code | 144 |
OTNN | 1099 Forms | FormCode | 145 |
OCYC | Cycle | Code | 146 |
OPYM | Payment Methods for Payment Wizard | PayMethCod | 147 |
OTOB | 1099 Opening Balance | VendCode, Form1099, Box1099 | 148 |
ORIT | Dunning Interest Rate | Code | 149 |
OBPP | BP Priorities | PrioCode | 150 |
ODUN | Dunning Letters | LineNum | 151 |
CUFD | User Fields – Description | TableID, FieldID | 152 |
OUTB | User Tables | TableName | 153 |
OCUMI | My Menu Items | UserSign , Id_ | 154 |
OPYD | Payment Run | Code | 155 |
OPKL | Pick List | AbsEntry | 156 |
OPWZ | Payment Wizard | IdNumber | 157 |
OPEX | Payment Results Table | AbsEntry | 158 |
OPYB | Payment Block | AbsEntry | 159 |
OUQR | Queries | IntrnalKey, Qcategory | 160 |
OCBI | Central Bank Ind. | Indicator | 161 |
OMRV | Inventory Revaluation | DocEntry | 162 |
OCPI | A/P Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 163 |
OCPV | A/P Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 164 |
OCSI | A/R Correction Invoice | DocEntry | 165 |
OCSV | A/R Correction Invoice Reversal | DocEntry | 166 |
OSCS | Service Call Statuses | statusID | 167 |
OSCT | Service Call Types | callTypeID | 168 |
OSCP | Service Call Problem Types | prblmTypID | 169 |
OCTT | Contract Template | TmpltName | 170 |
OHEM | Employees | empID | 171 |
OHTY | Employee Types | typeID | 172 |
OHST | Employee Status | statusID | 173 |
OHTR | Termination Reason | reasonID | 174 |
OHED | Education Types | edType | 175 |
OINS | Customer Equipment Card | insID | 176 |
OAGP | Agent Name | AgentCode | 177 |
OWHT | Withholding Tax | WTCode | 178 |
ORFL | Already Displayed 347, 349 and WTax Reports | DocEntry, ReportType, DocType, LineNum, TaxCode, OrdinalNum | 179 |
OVTR | Tax Report | AbsEntry | 180 |
OBOE | Bill of Exchange for Payment | BoeKey | 181 |
OBOT | Bill Of Exchang Transaction | AbsEntry | 182 |
OFRM | File Format | AbsEntry | 183 |
OPID | Period Indicator | Indicator | 184 |
ODOR | Doubtful Debts | AbsEntry | 185 |
OHLD | Holiday Table | HldCode | 186 |
OCRB | BP – Bank Account | Country, BankCode, Account, CardCode | 187 |
OSST | Service Call Solution Statuses | Number | 188 |
OSLT | Service Call Solutions | SltCode | 189 |
OCTR | Service Contracts | ContractID | 190 |
OSCL | Service Calls | callID | 191 |
OSCO | Service Call Origins | originID | 192 |
OUKD | User Key Description | TableName, KeyId | 193 |
OQUE | Queue | queueID | 194 |
OIWZ | Inflation Wizard | AbsEntry | 195 |
ODUT | Dunning Terms | TermCode | 196 |
ODWZ | Dunning Wizard | WizardId | 197 |
OFCT | Sales Forecast | AbsID | 198 |
OMSN | MRP Scenarios | AbsEntry | 199 |
OTER | Territories | territryID | 200 |
OOND | Industries | IndCode | 201 |
OWOR | Production Order | DocEntry | 202 |
ODPI | A/R Down Payment | DocEntry | 203 |
ODPO | A/P Down Payment | DocEntry | 204 |
OPKG | Package Types | PkgCode | 205 |
OUDO | User-Defined Object | Code | 206 |
ODOW | Data Ownership – Objects | Object, SubObject | 207 |
ODOX | Data Ownership – Exceptions | QueryId, Object, SubObject | 208 |
OHPS | Employee Position | posID | 210 |
OHTM | Employee Teams | teamID | 211 |
OORL | Relationships | OrlCode | 212 |
ORCM | Recommendation Data | DocEntry | 213 |
OUPT | User Autorization Tree | AbsId | 214 |
OPDT | Predefined Text | AbsEntry | 215 |
OBOX | Box Definition | BoxCode, ReportType, BosCode | 216 |
OCLA | Activity Status | statusID | 217 |
OCHF | 312 | ObjName | 218 |
OCSHS | User-Defined Values | IndexID | 219 |
OACP | Periods Category | AbsEntry | 220 |
OATC | Attachments | AbsEntry | 221 |
OGFL | Grid Filter | FormID, GridID, UserCode | 222 |
OLNG | User Language Table | Code | 223 |
OMLT | Multi-Language Translation | TranEntry | 224 |
SDIS | Dynamic Interface (Strings) | FormId, ItemId, ColumnId, Language | 229 |
OSVR | Saved Reconciliations | acctCode | 230 |
DSC1 | House Bank Accounts | AbsEntry | 231 |
RDOC | Document | DocCode | 232 |
ODGP | Document Generation Parameter Sets | AbsEntry | 233 |
OMHD | #740 | AlertCode | 234 |
OACG | Account Category | AbsId | 238 |
OBCA | Bank Charges Allocation Codes | Code | 239 |
OCFT | Cash Flow Transactions – Rows | CFTId | 241 |
OCFW | Cash Flow Line Item | CFWId | 242 |
OBPL | Business Place | BPLId | 247 |
OJPE | Local Era Calendar | Code | 250 |
ODIM | Cost Accounting Dimension | DimCode | 251 |
OSCD | Service Code Table | AbsEntry | 254 |
OSGP | Service Group for Brazil | AbsEntry | 255 |
OMGP | Material Group | AbsEntry | 256 |
ONCM | NCM Code | AbsEntry | 257 |
OCFP | CFOP for Nota Fiscal | ID | 258 |
OTSC | CST Code for Nota Fiscal | ID | 259 |
OUSG | Usage of Nota Fiscal | ID | 260 |
OCDP | Closing Date Procedure | ClsDateNum | 261 |
ONFN | Nota Fiscal Numbering | ObjectCode, DocSubType | 263 |
ONFT | Nota Fiscal Tax Category (Brazil) | AbsId | 264 |
OCNT | Counties | AbsId | 265 |
OTCD | Tax Code Determination | AbsId | 266 |
ODTY | BoE Document Type | AbsEntry | 267 |
OPTF | BoE Portfolio | AbsEntry | 268 |
OIST | BoE Instruction | AbsEntry | 269 |
OTPS | Tax Parameter | AbsId | 271 |
OTFC | Tax Type Combination | AbsId | 275 |
OFML | Tax Formula Master Table | AbsId | 276 |
OCNA | CNAE Code | AbsId | 278 |
OTSI | Sales Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 280 |
OTPI | Purchase Tax Invoice | DocEntry | 281 |
OCCD | Cargo Customs Declaration Numbers | CCDNum | 283 |
ORSC | Resources | ResCode | 290 |
ORSG | Resource Properties | ResTypCod | 291 |
ORSB | ResGrpCod | ResGrpCod | 292 |
OITR | Internal Reconciliation | ReconNum | 321 |
OPOS | POS Master Data | EquipNo | 541 |
ODRF | Stock Transfer Draft | DocEntry | 1179 |
OMSG | Messaging Service Settings | USERID | 10000105 |
OBTN | Batch Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000044 |
OSRN | Serial Numbers Master Data | AbsEntry | 10000045 |
OIVK | IVL Vs OINM Keys | TransSeq | 10000062 |
OIQR | Inventory Posting | DocEntry | 10000071 |
OFYM | Financial Year Master | AbsId | 10000073 |
OSEC | Sections | AbsId | 10000074 |
OCSN | Certificate Series | AbsId | 10000075 |
ONOA | Nature of Assessee | AbsId | 10000077 |
RTYP | Document Type List | CODE | 10000196 |
OUGP | UoM Group | UgpEntry | 10000197 |
OUOM | UoM Master Data | UomEntry | 10000199 |
OBFC | Bin Field Configuration | AbsEntry | 10000203 |
OBAT | Bin Location Attribute | AbsEntry | 10000204 |
OBSL | Warehouse Sublevel | AbsEntry | 10000205 |
OBIN | Bin Location | AbsEntry | 10000206 |
ODNF | DNF Code | AbsEntry | 140000041 |
OUGR | Authorization Group | GroupId | 231000000 |
OEGP | E-Mail Group | EmlGrpCode | 234000004 |
OGPC | Government Payment Code | AbsId | 243000001 |
OIQI | Inventory Opening Balance | DocEntry | 310000001 |
OBTW | Batch Attributes in Location | AbsEntry | 310000008 |
OLLF | Legal List Format | AbsEntry | 410000005 |
OHET | Object: HR Employee Transfer | TransferID | 480000001 |
OTCX | Tax Code Determination | DocEntry | 540000005 |
OPQT | Purchase Quotation | DocEntry | 540000006 |
ORCP | Recurring Transaction Template | AbsEntry | 540000040 |
OCCT | Cost Center Type | CctCode | 540000042 |
OACR | Accrual Type | Code | 540000048 |
ONFM | Nota Fiscal Model | AbsEntry | 540000056 |
OBFI | Brazil Fuel Indexer | ID | 540000067 |
OBBI | Brazil Beverage Indexer | ID | 540000068 |
OCPT | Cockpit Main Table | AbsEntry | 1210000000 |
OWTQ | Inventory Transfer Request | DocEntry | 1250000001 |
OOAT | Blanket Agreement | AbsID | 1250000025 |
OKPI | Key Performance Indicator Package | AbsEntry | 1320000000 |
OTGG | Target Group | TargetCode | 1320000002 |
OCPN | Campaign | CpnNo | 1320000012 |
OROC | Retorno Operation Codes | AbsEntry | 1320000028 |
OPSC | Product Source Code | Code | 1320000039 |
ODTP | Fixed Assets Depreciation Types | Code | 1470000000 |
OADT | Fixed Assets Account Determination | Code | 1470000002 |
ODPA | Fixed Asset Depreciation Areas | Code | 1470000003 |
ODPP | Depreciation Type Pools | Code | 1470000004 |
OACS | Asset Classes | Code | 1470000032 |
OAGS | Asset Groups | Code | 1470000046 |
ODMC | G/L Account Determination Criteria – Inventory | DmcId | 1470000048 |
OACQ | Capitalization | DocEntry | 1470000049 |
OGAR | G/L Account Advanced Rules | AbsEntry | 1470000057 |
OACD | Credit Memo | DocEntry | 1470000060 |
OBCD | Bar Code Master Data | BcdEntry | 1470000062 |
OINC | Inventory Counting | DocEntry | 1470000065 |
OEDG | Discount Groups | AbsEntry | 1470000077 |
OCCS | Cycle Count Determination | WhsCode | 1470000092 |
OPRQ | Purchase Request | DocEntry | 1470000113 |
OWLS | Workflow – Task Details | TaskID | 1620000000 |
Descarga aquí la lista de objetos de SAP Business One